
Pack News

All The Forge 8 Reaches End of Support: What You Need to Know

Attention All The Forge and All The Fabric fans! We have an important announcement regarding All The Forge 8 and All The Fabric 3. As of patch v0.10 (coming in the coming weeks), All The Forge 8 and it's fabirc edition "All The Fabric 3" will reach their End of Support, which means that we will no longer provide support for bug fixing and new features.

We understand that this news may come as a surprise to some of you, but we have some great options for you going forward. We highly recommend that you switch to our new Long Term Supported pack, All The Forge 9 or All The Fabric 4. If you prefer, you can also wait until All The Forge 10 or All The Fabric 5 drops later this year.

Rest assured that we have no plans to remove All The Forge 8 or All The Fabric 3 from our Solder, CurseForge, or ATLauncher anytime soon. However, we will do so in the future when we feel it's the right time.

To make it easier for you to access All The Forge 9 or All The Fabric 4, we've provided links below for Technic, CurseForge, and ATLauncher.

We want to take this opportunity to thank you for your support with All The Forge 8 and All The Fabric 3 over the past few years. We hope that you will continue to use the All The Forge and All The Fabric modpack series going forward. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Thank you, TeamAMPZ

In conclusion, with the End of Support notice for All The Forge 8 and All The Fabric 3, it's time to make the switch to All The Forge 9 or All The Fabric 4, or wait for the upcoming All The Forge 10 or All The Fabric 5. There will be no further support provided for bug fixing or new features for All The Forge 8 and All The Fabric 3. The links provided make it easy to access the new versions, and we encourage you to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

2 years ago


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